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Digital Marketing Glossary – All Time

It can be challenging to stay current with all of the many terms and terminology used in digital marketing because it is always evolving. We’ve created a list of the terms and definitions used in digital marketing most frequently so you may broaden your understanding.

Our digital marketing glossary can help you comprehend the important phrases that practitioners frequently use, whether you’re just starting out in your profession or want to better grasp the job your agency is doing.

Definitions of Terms Used in Digital Marketing

200 OK Digital Marketing Terms A 200 OK HTTP status code indicates that the server has successfully received and processed the request. After that, the user will be taken to the destination URL.

301 Permanent Redirect – An HTTP status code of this type denotes a URL that has been permanently relocated to a new destination URL. The browser is sent to the new target URL once a server responds to a URL with a 301 redirect.

A 302 temporary redirect indicates that the given URL has been relocated. It is a type of HTTP status code.

Another form of HTTP status code is 404 Not Found. When a requested file or page has been erased or never existed in the first place, it is provided by a server. It can be advisable to 301 redirect this URL to a similar or close-variant URL depending on the reason for the 404.

5XX Server Errors: A 5XX error code is a different kind of HTTP status code that denotes a server that cannot fulfil the request. An explanation and the nature of the error should be included in the response.

A-H of Digital Marketing Terms

A A/B Split Testing – This term describes the process of conducting an experiment with two variations to see which version performs better in a certain setting or circumstance. This can assist you to learn what aspects of the owned property you’re testing, such as your website, social media accounts, or advertising platforms, your intended audience likes and dislikes.

Above The Fold – The content that a user will view when a page initially loads and before scrolling down it is referred to as being “above the fold.”

Ad extensions – The extra details that appear behind a Google Ad. This could include site links, callouts, pricing, and other details about the business or the product line. The longer the advertisement, the more prominence it will have on the search page and the higher it’s chance of being clicked.

A group of ads with the same keyword target are referred to as an ad group.

Ad relevance is a phrase mostly used in a sponsored search to assess how closely linked keywords and adverts are to one another. Ad Manager is a Facebook application that may be used to design, publish, and track online advertisements.

B Business-to-Business, or B2B, refers to firms that conduct their business only with other businesses and not with the general public.

Business-to-Consumer, or B2C, refers to businesses that conduct business with the general population.

Backlink – A backlink is a connection to your website from another website. An example would be a website that links to your site from an article. Along with content production and technical SEO, generating backlinks to your website is widely perceived as one of the most crucial ranking factors.

Whitehat – Whitehat The phrase “SEO is bad practice” is frequently used to refer to actions that are against Google’s rules. This includes buying links from spammy websites and keyword stuffing, among other things.

Bounce Rate – The percentage of visitors to your website that leaves without exploring any other pages is known as the “bounce rate.” You can utilise this percentage to increase overall quality of your content. Either page- and site-level bounce rates can be used.

Broken links – A broken link, also known as a dead link, refers to a connection on a web page that is no longer active because the destination page was not yet available. If the website has deleted the linked web page, if the web page is no longer available, or if a server problem is occurring, this may include an incorrect URL. 

C Campaign: A series or group of marketing initiatives designed to accomplish a specific objective. Usually, campaigns are made for certain marketing channels, such as social media, email, or paid search. In paid ads, a campaign can typically be made up of ad groups, each of which targets multiple keywords and includes different ads.

CMS – CMS is an abbreviation for “content management system.” These are the platforms that facilitate uploading and changing the content on your website. Drupal, Magento, and WordPress, for instance.

Content – Content is information that is made available by websites, applications, or social media for users to consume. Written, visual, and audiovisual content can all be found in a variety of mediums.

Conversion – When a user completes a desired activity on your website, it is referred to as a conversion. Although it is frequently used to refer to the act of purchasing a goods, lead generation websites may use it to refer to making a phone call or filling out a contact form.

Conversion Rate – A website’s conversion rate is the proportion of visitors who have finished an action, big or small, such making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter. High conversion rates may also indicate that your pricing are too low, causing you to lose out on sales, or that you are counting insignificant actions as conversions.

Cookies: When a user goes to a website, a cookie is a little data file that is stored on their computer. Websites can remember information and keep track of user browsing behaviour thanks to cookies. Cookies can be used in digital marketing to retarget users with paid advertising and persuade them to buy a product they had previously looked at.

CPA – CPA, which stands for “Cost Per Acquisition,” is the cost incurred when a marketing effort leads to a conversion. It is determined by dividing the total amount spent on marketing efforts by the overall number of conversions.

CPC – CPC, which stands for “Cost Per Click,” refers to the fee an advertiser must pay each time a user clicks on one of their ads.

The term “Cost Per Lead,” or CPL, refers to the price you spend for each lead produced by a campaign.

Cost Per Mille, or CPM, is the term used to describe the price you pay for impressions.

CSS is an acronym for “Cascading Style Sheet,” which is used to format a web page’s design and look. Using CSS, you may specify things like text style, font colour, and tables.

“Call to Action” is abbreviated as “CTA.” This might be a button or a remark urging users to contact you or purchase your good or service.

CTR – Click-through rate, or CTR, is a term. In comparison to the total number of people who access the page where the link is located, this is the number of times users have clicked on a desired hyperlink.

D Digital Garage – Digital Garage is a free online learning tool that will assist you in understanding other Google resources and will help you learn more about anything digital.

Digital marketing – Digital marketing is a word that describes how marketing strategies are employed in conjunction with digital technologies like the internet. It includes all digital marketing that makes use of tools including search engines, display networks, social media, and email. It also includes marketing analytics tools for tracking the performance and activity of various digital platforms.

A digital network that distributes and shows your adverts is called a “display network.”

Domain Rating – Domain Rating is the abbreviation for DR.  Ahrefs, a marketing tool, developed the links measure to identify the authority and ranking potential of a website. The domain authority (DA) statistic, which was developed by Moz, another marketing tool, is comparable to this one. A website has more authority and potential for higher rankings the higher its domain rating.

Digital PR – Establishing links through online campaigns, thought-leadership content, and professional comments is known as digital PR (public relations). PR agencies have good connections with journalists who can contribute to reputable websites.

E Earned media: The placement of a physical or digital item on a third-party platform as a result of marketing initiatives. Acquired placements can be acquired by natural or artificial ways.

E-commerce is a term used to describe “Electronic Commerce” and groups companies that conduct online sales. As an illustration, a typical e-commerce company can be an online merchant who sells goods directly to customers.

Email marketing – Email marketing is a type of marketing strategy that uses emails to advertise a company or its goods.

The Engagement Rate is a form of indicator that shows how active users are on your website, social media account, or mobile application. You can figure it out by adding the likes, shares, and comments together, then dividing the result by the overall number of followers.

Evergreen content is supporting content for a website that is constantly current and relevant to a company’s goods or services. Users will always be interested in reading case studies and how-to instructions, for example.

F Facebook Advertising – This term refers to the Facebook Ad Network, which enables users to advertise their business, good, or service to members of the Facebook Community. The platform offers a variety of ad formats that are tailored to the objectives of the marketer. The fact that it doesn’t employ keywords and that the viewers are based on extensive demographic data from Facebook user information makes it different from other ad networks like Google.

Facebook Audience Insights is a tool used by advertisers to target audiences on Facebook. It provides aggregate data on demographics, geography, consumer purchasing patterns, and other topics. It gives advertisers information on Facebook trends relating to their present and potential clients.

Facebook Business Page – The company profile page for a marketer on the Facebook social media network. The page resembles a personal Facebook page, with the exception that it is only for a company. A Facebook Business Page can be used by any kind of business to market its names, goods, and services.

Facebook Live is a fundamental feature that allows for live video streaming for Facebook members.

Featured Snippet – A featured snippet is a box of search results that appears on the search results page. Prior to the user clicking on a search result, the goal is to respond to their question. By providing precise and succinct answers to targeted questions, you can obtain featured snippets.

G Google Ads is the name of the company’s internet advertising platform. Through Google’s ad networks and search results pages, it enables marketers to connect with customers.

The term “Google Algorithm” refers to a mathematical formula created by Google to decide the order in which websites will appear on the search results page. The “Core” algorithm, as it is commonly known, is typically updated two times every day or 500–600 times per year. In order to provide users with the most appropriate and reliable search results, it accomplishes this. As a result, webmasters and marketers are unable to influence Google’s algorithm to improve their rankings.

Google Analytics – Refers to a Google software platform that was developed to let marketers to monitor a website’s performance. Finding information on a website’s visitors, how they reached the site, the pages they saw, and many other things is part of this process.

Google Keyword Planner – One of Google’s offerings is the Google Keyword Planner. aids in conducting keyword research for your search marketing initiatives.

Google My Business – Relates to a Google platform that enables advertisers to set up a Google company page. You can include information like the name of the business, a link to their website, their operating hours, and more to appear in search page results, location searches, map packs, and other places.

GoogleBot – Before providing data to Google’s index for eventual display and ranking in their search engine, GoogleBot scans websites and other assets. GoogleBot is the company’s unique user-agent. Read Google’s Overview of Google Crawlers for a breakdown of various user-agents that are controlled by Google.

Google Search Console – Google Search Console gives webmasters and marketers the ability to monitor the natural performance of their website on Google online search and offers recommendations for improving its exposure.GTM – 

GTM – Another free tool from Google, GTM (Google Tag Manager), enables you to manage and integrate tags (snippets of code) on your site without changing the site’s source code. It is commonly utilized to simplify user behaviour tracking.

H Hashtag – The term “hashtag” refers to the social media hashtag symbol, “#.” They are employed to make it simple for social media users to find the content they are looking for. Hashtags can be used for general, in-depth, and specialised themes.

H1 Tag – The most significant tag on a webpage, the H1 tag is the top header and frequently the page title. A H2 tag for a subheading, an H3 tag for a smaller heading, and so forth come after it.

HTML – HTML, which stands for “Hyper Text Markup Language,” is the name of the programming language that is used to create web pages and organise their layout.

HTTP Requests – Requests made via the HTTP protocol—also known as the “Hypertext Transfer Protocol”—allow data to be transferred and sent between your browser and the website.

HTTPS – “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure,” or HTTPS, is a protocol used to establish secure connections over computer networks. Using Transport Layer Security (TLS) or its precursor Secure Sockets Layer, communications across a webpage are encrypted (SSL). If your website is not safe, HTTP will be shown, indicating that your data is not secured and may be vulnerable to attack by online criminals.

I Image optimisation –It is the process of making sure an image is of great quality and is sufficiently compressed to load quickly on a webpage without interfering with the user experience.

Impression – The number of times your website is viewed in the search engine results is known as an impression. It can also be used to indicate how many times your target audience has seen an advertisement on a marketing or advertising site.

Inbound links – Links that point to your website from other websites are known as inbound links.

Instagram Advertising – Advertisers can pay to have their adverts displayed on the Instagram platform through Instagram advertising.

Instagram Stories – A post that tells the story of a video or image.

Instagram TV – Refers to a function on Instagram that enables users to share and watch videos. In contrast to Stories, it allows users to upload videos up to an hour long and does not delete them after 24 hours. You may access Instagram TV from either the main Instagram app or a standalone IGTV app.

As a last thought, I hope that this overly lengthy glossary of terms related to digital marketing has given you a better understanding of the many terms, their fundamental applications, and their importance while operating digital marketing campaigns.

When it comes to knowledge and awareness, being well-versed in all the jargon could be beneficial, but to develop practical skills and take advantage of the tremendous potential that online marketing presents, enrolling in a digital marketing training programme would be excellent.

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