Facebook Ads Glossary: 30+ Terms Explained

If you’re new to e-commerce and online marketing, this one’s for you!
You’ve decided to go down the maze of digital advertising by yourself, which is fantastic! However, it is likely to be more difficult than you anticipated.
But don’t fret. We’re here to help you comprehend the most common Facebook ad glossary terms and manage Facebook Ads Manager like the experts.
The language used by the majority of digital advertising networks is perplexing and difficult to comprehend. However, understanding what every one of those never-before-heard words means is essential for the success of your projects.
We’ve compiled a list of the most commonly used Facebook ad terms and described what each word signifies in human language. Save it.
- Ad
Ad is a Facebook Ads Manager ad that you make to promote your e-shop, Facebook page, goods, and so on. It normally consists of a picture, text, and a call-to-action button.
- Ad Auction
Unfortunately, when you make an ad, it does not appear instantly in the feed of a Facebook user. Instead, it is auctioned off against other identical ads.
- Ad Set
The ads you run are organized into ad sets. Facebook categorizes advertisements based on their duration, budget, intended audience, and method of delivery optimization.
- Ads Manager
Facebook Ads Manager is a tool which enables you to build, administer, and run Facebook ads, in addition, to managing all of your payment and billing data related to Facebook ads.
- Average CPC
The average cost-per-click is a graph that indicates how much each click on your ad costs you. CPC is computed by splitting the total ad budget by the number of clicks received by your ad.
- Bidding Strategies
A bid strategy is a technique used by Facebook to bid on your behalf in an ad auction.
- Budget
The budget specifies how much money you want to invest on each campaign or ad set.
- Enhanced Post
You do not need to run ads to raise company awareness or acquire more followers. You can also attempt boosting (sponsoring) a Facebook post.
- Broad Categories
Facebook offers a set of broad targeting classifications to help you with ad targeting.
- Campaign
All of your Facebook advertisements are organised into distinct ad sets. All ad sets are part of distinct campaigns.
- Campaign Spending Limit
For each campaign, you can specify a maximum spending cap. When the limit is met, your campaign is stopped.
- Campaign Reach
The total number of individuals who saw your advertisements during the campaign is referred to as campaign reach.
- Clicks
Clicks are actions taken by individuals who saw your ads and engaged on them.
- Conversions
Conversions are actions taken by customers, such as adding items to their shopping carts or completing actions on your website.
- CTR (Click Through Rate)
CTR is a metric that calculates the number of clicks generated by your ad per impression.
- Daily Budget
The daily budget is the quantity of money that you want to spend per day on an ad set or campaign. Each advertisement set may have its own daily funding.
- Delivery
The state of your campaigns, ad sets, and ads is known as delivery.
- Destination
The destination is where you want people to go after they click on your ad or a CTA (call-to-action) icon.
- End Date
It’s the date your ad set is due to expire. You designate it when you create the ad.
- Frequency
Someone may see your post on Facebook more than once. The metric of frequency defines the mean amount of times your ad has been displayed to the exact same person.
- Impressions
The median amount of times your ad appeared in the feed of your intended audience.
- Interaction
If a user engages with your ad in any manner, the interaction is recorded in the feedback section.
- Lead Generation
It’s an option you can select when making Facebook ads.If your marketing goal is Lead Generation, you may encourage those who visit your site to fill out a form with their contact information.
- Lifetime Budget
It’s the quantity of money you’ve decided to spend over the course of the campaign.
- Links Clicks
It is the amount of clicks on ads that lead to a destination on or off Facebook.
- Likes & Interests Targeting
It’s a method of targeting Facebook users based on the sites they like and the interests they express on the social network.
- Page Engagement
A variety of actions taken by Facebook users on your company page or a post as a result of your Facebook advertising efforts.
- Page likes
How many individuals liked your Facebook page.
- Payment Method
Payment methods are different means to pay for Facebook ads.
- Pixel
The Facebook Pixel is a code snippet that you can put into the code of your website. Pixel assists Facebook in tracking all events connected to your ads that occur outside of Facebook.
- Post Engagement
The number of actions (likes, comments, shares, and so on) individuals took on your page post after discovering your boosted post or ad.
- Reach
It is the number of individuals who saw your advertisement once. Do not confuse it with impressions, which can include many exposures of your ad to a single group of people.
- Reports
The Ads Manager’s Reports section displays the most vital statistics of your ad and how it has performed until now.
- Targeted Audience
Based on what demographic you target, this is the total amount of people your ad could reach.
- Traffic
When creating your ads, you can choose traffic as a goal. This goal is to get as many people as possible to visit your website.
Promotion on Facebook is a multi-step procedure. There is undoubtedly a learning slope.
This guide to advertising on Facebook terms is the first proceed you should take if you want to get started with Facebook advertising. It’s now time to make your first ad! To do so, first, understand how to set up a Facebook Business Manager and Ad account.